College planning
Explore the articles in this section to learn expert tips on paying for college, saving money, getting financial aid and making informed decisions on student loans

How to pay for college
Worried about how to pay for college? Here we cover ways to help you plan for college costs now so that you can be prepared for the future.

Five important steps before you complete the FAFSA
This article lists five key steps to consider before completing the FAFSA in order to reduce the need for federal loans, which may increase a student’s financial burden.

Child college fund
These five little steps could help you start a college fund for a baby, which can help secure peace of mind for you and secure higher education for your child.

3 phases of finding money for college
Preparing to pay for a college education doesn't have to come from one bucket of money. By approaching fundraising efforts in three phases, you may be able to accomplish your goals.

Quiz: Are you financially prepared to send your child to college?
Whether you have small children still learning their ABCs or teenagers nearly ready to leave the nest, there's probably one question that weighs heavy on your mind.

529 savings plan: Saving for baby for college
With much to plan for with a new baby, saving for college may be the furthest thing from your mind. Truth is, with the rising cost of college tuition, it's never too soon.

A few tax-beneficial ways grandparents can gift money for college
Grandparents who want to help grandchildren attend college have lots of options. But a few may be more beneficial for both the grandparents and the student — especially when it comes to financial aid.