Wills and estate planning

Can you inherit debt?
Many people worry about leaving debt behind or inheriting it from a loved one. Learn how different types of debt are handled after death and how you can protect your family.

What is probate and the probate process
As you start thinking about your estate planning, you've got important decisions to consider and detail in a will. If you don't, your loved ones may find your estate stuck in the courts during the probate process. That may take months, if not years, to process.

What is a living trust and its types?
A living trust is similar to a last will and testament in the sense that you can direct how you want to distribute your assets, but there are a few key differences. Learn about them now.

Why is a will important?
Without a will, disbursement of your estate will be administered by a designated state court according to those laws rather than your wishes.

Medical power of attorney
There might come a time when you need someone to carry out your healthcare wishes on your behalf. Having your preferences and plans documented can alleviate some of the burden.

How to cope with death
The death of a friend or family member can be so overwhelming for those left behind that it can have a long-term impact on their physical, emotional and mental health.

What to do after a loved one dies
Whether it's a spouse or parent, there is no easy way to handle the passing of a loved one.