Retirement planning

Spending in retirement: ant or grasshopper?
Your lifelong spending or saving habits could affect your quality of life in retirement. Find out how a solution like an annuity can help you feel more confident and in control.

Retiring without a pension? 3 reasons to consider annuities
Retirement is a time when people value certainty, and in years past, this certainty came from the guaranteed income of a pension. See how annuities can also help provide confidence and security in retirement.

3 factors that impact Social Security benefits
Due to early filing, taxes or Medicare premiums, your actual Social Security benefits may be less than you expect. Learn how you can achieve and maintain the retirement lifestyle you envision with supplemental guaranteed income that bridges the gap.

Why Gen Z should start saving for retirement now
Though retirement may seem far off for Gen Z, starting to save now can significantly enhance their financial security later. Learn effective strategies to save early and ensure a stable retirement.

Do annuities have beneficiaries
Learn why annuities need beneficiaries and how inherited annuities are passed on to beneficiaries in this article from Protective.

How long will my retirement savings last?
Maximize your retirement savings by understanding factors that impact their longevity, like living expenses, withdrawal rate and healthcare costs.

Budgeting in retirement
Most people want to make sure that they can live comfortably during retirement. That’s why it’s important to have a budget and the tools to build one.